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​Swan Warriors Table Tennis Center is a professional table tennis club established on Nov. 5, 2017. Our team is made up of highly qualified coaches who are among the top players in the country including US Open champion, Wenzhang Tao, US Open Singles finalists, Bob Chen and a few former coaches and players from Shandong Luneng Table Tennis Club, well known as the home club of Olympic Champion Zhang Jike. Through a rigorous training program, our mission is to discover and cultivate young talents and thereby increasingly producing top players in the US National Team.
In addition to a total of 12 tables, our facility also includes a computer room, shower rooms and a conference room. We customize an optimal training environment to accommodate players of different levels. We utilize our tables for professional training while using the computer room for match video analysis and games.  
Our center personalizes different training plans based on different groups of players. We have formal student customized training, one-on-one lessons as well as group lessons. Our club puts focus on a long term plan. We acknowledge the importance regularly making changes while adapting and advancing with contemporary trends in order to ensure the quality of our service for the public.

The Swan Warriors Table Tennis Center currently focuses on the 5 to 18-year-old group. With our unique ideology and ways of training, we create an environment with strong unity and dedicated spirit. Our goal within 3 years of starting this center is to fully cooperate with the US National team, ensuring a long-term cultivating talent project through planning exchange visits and training sessions with influential local Chinese clubs; Within 7 years, we foresee Swan Warriors players mastering the most advanced techniques, participating in national and international table tennis tournaments while increasing the positive reputation of our center; 7 years later, we aim to become the most influential table tennis club in the nation, contributing to the popularization of the sport.

Swan Warriors 乒乓球俱乐部是一所 2017 年 11 月 5 日成立于美国加州桑妮维奥的高水 平专业乒乓球俱乐部。俱乐部拥有强大的冠军教练团队,通过科学严谨的培养计划,致力于挖掘和培养优秀的年轻运动员,从而向美国国家队输送顶尖的乒乓球运动员,打造全美最专 业的顶级俱乐部为目标,作风过硬心理过硬技术过硬为思想中心。
Swan Warriors 俱乐部拟租拥有 12 张球台,包含电脑房,洗浴室,办公室,我们将根据不同水平的球员度身订造舒适的训练环境; 在球馆的专属球台内给予专业的训练指导;在电脑房分析比赛录像和训练问题,以寻求合适 的解决方案;在娱乐室享受娱乐和放松的游戏,进行压力疏导,为保证俱乐部的专业技术质量,俱 乐部拟招聘多位高水平的教练员,如全美冠军陶文章,陈柏宇,两人积分排名一直在前列, 以及国内多位前山东鲁能乒乓球俱乐部教练员和队员,确保发掘和培养队员的潜力。
Swan Warriors 俱乐部针对不同人群选择不同的训练方式,有正式队员的量身训练,有 1 对 1 训练课.也有集体训练课,俱乐部要做出长远的规划,不断地与时俱进,不断更新变换,确保真正地服务于大众,确保满足他们不同程度的需求,我们有着独特的训练项目优势, 营销服务优势,因此,本俱乐部具有绝对优势。 我们 将聘请中国一流的运动员和教练员,专门对我们的运动员进行培训,提高我俱乐部的软实力。
Swan Warriors 俱乐部以全民健身,输送培养优质年轻运动员为目标,现以定位 5-18 岁的乒乓球青少年爱好者为主要群体,运用独特的经验理念和方式,形成与众不同的团结和 努力的俱乐部文化氛围。在创业前期 3 年内,全力与美国国家队合作,保证长期的输送人 才计划,和中国国内有影响力的俱乐部互访和交流,开拓市场和影响力,吸引优质人才,使得队员进行良好的训练和比赛的条件,从而扩大 Swan Warriors 俱乐部的全美影响力和号召力。创业 3-7 年期间,Swan Warriors 的运动员能够 拥有高超的技术,参加在全美和国际其他乒乓球大赛,获得优异的成绩,回馈俱乐部和赞助 商,从而吸引更多的乒乓球爱好者关注我们俱乐部,形成良性循环。在创业 7 年之后,目 标成为全美最具影响力和高水平的俱乐部,将乒乓球这项运动在美国传播和发扬。
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